Traveling by Car

  GPS: North 43.944428 ,  East 2.538093

Traveling by Car:

1. Paris-Orléans-Clermontferrand(A71)-St.Flour-Millau(A75)

you conquer Paris by following cold blooded Bordeaux (even if you don't see it, straight on). After Millau (you pass the famous new Viaduct) exit 46 direction St.Affrique from where you follow direction Albi. 200m after the bridge after St.Sernin to the right to Plaisance (10km.D33). 3km after Plaisance to the left down direction Solages(1km.D555) than upwards the first road to the right to Le Bousquet. See *

2. Paris-Orleans-Limoges-Brive-Cahors-Montauban-Albi

In Albi direction Rodez, Millau ( D999) after 11km, left, Vallee du Tarn, Ambialet.
In Ambialet, right in the little tunnel, than two times left, 1-Vallee du Tarn, Trebas. 2-Courris,cross the Tarn 12km till trebas.
In Trebas straight on, after garage Massol, turn right, along the Tarn ( 1 km) till the barrage, go over this bridge, than to the right along the little river and up.
After 5km right to the D555. After 200 m to the left, follow the signs and description up from Bousquet.
see *

3. Toulouse-Albi

In Toulouse, directon Albi by highway. In Albi direction Rodez, Millau ( D999) after 11km, left, Vallee du Tarn, Ambialet. In Ambialet, right in the little tunnel, than two times left, 1-Vallee du Tarn, Trebas.
2-Courris,cross the Tarn 12km till trebas.
In Trebas straight on, after garage Massol, turn right, along the Tarn ( 1 km) till the barrage, go over this bridge, than turn right along the little river and up.
After 5km right to the D555. After 200 m to the left, follow the signs and description up from Bousquet.
see *

4. Montpellier-Lodeve-A75 direction: Millau-Clermont-Ferrand

On the A75 near Millau and the famous new Viaduct. Before the Viaduct you take exit 47 direction St.Affrique/Rocquefort. follow the signs to St.Affrique. In St-Affrique dir. Albi(D999 33km). 2km after St.Sernin to the right to Plaisance (10km.D33). 3km after Plaisance to the left down dir.Solages (1km.D555) than upwards the first road to the right to Le Bousquet. See *

5. In Rodez direction Millau-Albi-La Primaube (N 88) then dir. Millau till Primaube 6km, in Primaube right,(N88) after 400 m left to Cassagnes-Besgonhes and Requista (30 km, D902) In Requista to Lincou (5km, 902)

In Lincou just before the bridge, right (12km, D200,D172) You have the river on the left, you pass one bridge (barrage).Take the second barrage, after this bridge to the right, ( D665). After 5km right to D555 after 200m left, Le Bousquet . See*
Attention there are more villages called Le Bousquet, The one you need is not on the map and is near by Solages (2km).

In Le Bousquet to the left, pass the white house and barns, than to the right down, 50m. at the T-crossing to the left along a big new house and a barn with plastic 200m. After that it goes down with 2 sharp turns (drive carefully). In the second turn, by the blue P bord, you have to drive backwards to the parking place. good luck!

Time of arrivel :
You are welcome sunday after 15.00 and preferably before 17.00. 
At 19.00 starts diner and at 21.00 starts the first class.